The purpose of life is a life with purpose. Robert Byrne
It felt good this weekend to be actually be making some progress on the exercise bike and using some 5# dumbells. My BP was pretty good 147/85 and a heart rate of 84 was good when I exercised bringing my rate up to 130. And then my resting rate dropped to a good 80. That may seem high to some people but for someone who has been a couch potato for such a long time I'm doing good. I am even anticipating my next time on the bike and the weights.
Weekend totals:
Bike - 30 min
DB 5# curls - 48
DB 5# press - 48
DB 5# butterfly press - 48
DB 5# overhead tricep press - 24
Calories,etc - didn't count anything but I monitored more carefully water and food intake. Charting will begin today.
This horrible heat is keeping me indoors for the most part. I managed to weed some on Saturday morning early. The sprinkler was needed as they are suffering. It's been at least 2 weeks since I've had rain and the flowers and fruit trees/bushes are suffering.
Not really much going on in my world today. Busy work day ahead.
Wishing my fellow bloggers a blessed day.
1 comment:
Bravo for you exercising in the heat. Since I started my workout routine, Crossfit, the strength I have acquired makes me feel empowered (physical strength helps create emotional strength) and just from the weight training alone, without medication, my osteoporosis has been eliminated.
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