Thursday, July 29, 2010

I Caved

I caved last night and bought a pack of cigs. I had been doing good all week. Let me say I have smoked for 40 years. I am feeling like I am giving up a friend. I have to get my mind set again and rethink my strategy. I am not going to give up. I hate that I failed - I feel like a failure. This is hard to do.


Anonymous said...

Becca this is great! I need to something this positive for me poor tire old body. Keep up the good work!!!

Sunny said...

It takes courage to admit before such a large audience that you did not succeed. But, things worth achieving are not always easy. In fact, they are down right hard.

My husband smokes and in the 22 years we have been married he had quite a number of times. He goes back because he really doesn't see the need to stop. He's not committed.

Are you committed? No, not do you need to be committed ;), but do you truly believe you need to stop? Don't answer that question except to yourself. If you have to get up each morning chanting a mantra, then do it. Whatever it takes, it takes. Whatever works, works. You can make it work.

Sunny said...

Becca, want to hear how you are doing with getting healthy. Post even if you aren't doing all that great. Inquiring minds want to know.